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Bible Studies for the Church and for Christian Ministries - BIBLE STUDY ON TOUGH ISSUES 




Bible Versions Article - BV.0101_02_05

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For "DH" 

Ministerial Student, Undergraduate School of Bible and Theology, Assemblies of God, [Name Edited] 


YES  or  NO
a. You told me that I shouldn't trust you – ("you shouldn't trust James White or me or anyone else but God alone!")  Do you still agree with yourself?  Was that honest advice when you first wrote it?  If so, are you honestly following that advice in your response to me? And you continued, "However that is not a valid reason to refuse to hear what one has to say on a matter."  Are you refusing to hear me, "DH"?
YES  or  NO
b. Do you now agree that the King James Bible is consistent and accurate in Acts 22:9 by saying that the men with Paul heard a voice, but not the voice of him who spake to Paul?
YES  or  NO
c. Do you now agree that the Holy Spirit endorsed perfect translations of God's word, among which are the words of Joseph to his brothers and the words of Paul in all of Acts 22?
YES  or  NO
d. Do you now agree that it is a teaching of men, not of the Holy Spirit that, "no translation (including the KJV) is infallible"?
YES  or  NO
e. Do you now agree that the King James Bible has ample linguistic cause for referring to the Spirit in the neuter, as "ITSELF", in like kind as the NASB and the NIV do in other passages?
YES  or  NO
f. Do you understand the rules of English grammar pertaining to person?
YES  or  NO
(con't) Do you now agree then that the use of pronouns in the King James Bible such as "Ye", "Thee", "Thou", "Thine", etc identifies and distinguishes plurals, singulars, objective and subjective parts of speech; and that the new versions do not convey this information, clearly making them inferior?
YES  or  NO
g. Do you understand the rules of English grammar pertaining to verb tense and person?
YES  or  NO
(con't) Do you now agree then that: the use of "est" and "eth" endings in the King James Bible is universally transferable to other languages in identifying second and third person structures, respectively; and that the new versions do not convey this information, clearly making them inferior?
YES  or  NO
h. Do you now agree that the King James Bible was NOT translated into "Elizabethan English", but into distinctly BIBLICAL ENGLISH that uses – among other unique characteristics – distinctive personal pronouns to identify singular, plural, objective and subjective forms, as well as verb endings that distinctively identify person?
YES  or  NO
i. Have you been able to find that authoritative source yet that you referenced who told you the King James Bible reads at a grade 12 level; or do you now agree with Dr. Rudolph Flesch (the expert of Flesch-Kincaid readability standards fame), whom I cited, and who reported his research that the King James Bible reads at grade 5 level - well under that of New Versions?
YES  or  NO
j. Do you "BELIEVE" the words that you say you "LOVE" in the King James Bible in Ps 12:6,7 - specifically pertaining to the preservation of God's words (plural), as indicated by the third person personal pronoun plural "them" and not to the first person pronoun "us" (new versions)?
YES  or  NO
k. Do you intend to encourage the next drug addict and hooker that you meet with the words published in the NIV in Matt 18:11? (Or the words NOT published in that verse, in the NIV - as, in fact, is the case.)
YES  or  NO
l. Could you tell me which word God actually said in Rev 8:13 (was it "angel" or eagle)?
YES  or  NO
YES  or  NO
n. When witnessing from now on, do you intend to rebuke those whom you meet on the street for using "Elizabethan English", and advise them to use the more up-to-date and understandable word "Hades" when they speak, in accordance with the literature that you hand them that you believe will keep them out of Hades?
YES  or  NO
o. Will you encourage others to "flee youthful lusts"? (Or will you tell them that God's commandments in the book of Timothy are really 'only commands targeted at leaders' and teach them that they can indulge themselves in youthful lust as long as it is "in moderation"? Or, do you teach that moderation is not a commandment directed towards them either?)
YES  or  NO
p. In the interest of consistency, do you intend to insist that the work of Shakespeare, Homer and John Bunyan be updated to modern English and that ALL authors and ALL newspaper reporters abstain from using any "archaic" words (as they frequently do by borrowing many such words from the King James Bible for their articles – and I mean the so-called "archaic" ones)?
YES  or  NO
q. Will you INSIST from now on that Seminary Professors, Doctors, Engineers, Scientists, Musicians, Lawyers, Theologians and ALL OTHER EXPERTS only use words in their books, articles, journals, presentations and research papers, etc, that are UNDERSTANDABLE to ALL contemporary people – Including to the CHINESE people?
YES  or  NO
YES  or  NO
s. Will the two of you be ushered into heaven together while I and all other King James bible believers - the "club of fanatical hypocrites that nobody wants to join" go to "Hades"?
YES  or  NO
t. Was it the Holy Ghost who taught you to criticize God's word and call it "archaic religious terminology" or was it men who taught you that, "DH"?
YES  or  NO
u. Do you still honestly consider yourself to be "a lover of the God and Truth, not of man-made religion" even though you have used the errors that those men taught you, and have adopted their bitter attitudes, while falsely criticizing God's word?
YES  or  NO
v. By the way, did the NIV omit all of the words in Matt 18:11 because the words in that verse in the King James Bible are part of the "DAMNABLE HERESY" that you are accusing me of teaching?
YES  or  NO
Given that I have documented these issues in detail and that you have refused to answer my questions, do you really believe it is honest to claim that I "refused to honestly consider anything [you] have shared with [me] such as the KJV contradiction in Acts." (which I comprehensively answered on 13 Jan 10) and that I "have closed [MY] eyes to the truth"?
YES  or  NO
Do you regret having contacted us and having falsely accused me of these things?



From: "DH"
Sent: January-13-10 9:38 PM
To: Mike
Subject: A final word


This is my last letter.  Since you apparently have no desire for honestly facing this matter, this correspondence is pointless.  Your defense of KJV Onlyism sounds frighteningly similar to a Mormon's "testiphony" of the Book of Mormon or FAIR's arguments for their cultic doctrine.  Verbally running round and round in circles, dancing around the issues with a dizzying spin of propaganda.  This is no surprize because both movements have the same author of confusion.

Repent and turn from this DAMNABLE HERESY and stop polluting the body of Christ with your divisive "profane and vain babbling".  "Speak thou things which becometh sound doctrine!"  If you continue to teach this heresy and refuse to accept the truth, you will not be innocent before God of poisoning the body of Christ and leading sinners and believers away from the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  

What do you love more Jesus Christ, His saving Gospel, and the Truth or your foolish, man-made, divisive heresy?  You probably don't care if a person has repented and been truly born again and saved from their sins and restored unto the Father if they don't read your favorite translation of God's Word.  That is pride, not love, not of Christ!  

So go ahead and idolize the KJV, support your cause with lies and no shred of academic integrity, slander godly men who have devoted their lives to translating God's Word, and continue to divide the body of Christ if you will.  But you will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ and He will see straight through every intention and motive that lies within your wicked prideful heart.  He will know that many of His servants have tried to steer you away from this destructive doctrine and from dividing the body of Jesus Christ but you refused.  You will not be innocent!  You will be judged by a just God! 

It is a simple saving Gospel that "religious" people like you complicate and turn into nothing more than a club of fanatical hypocrites that nobody wants to join! 

Truly you well said that "there is no man so blind as he that WILL not see!" 

You have been warned!  Repent for the Kingdom is at hand!


May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering!

From: Mike
Sent: January-15-10 8:19 AM
To: "DH" Subject: Before you leave, "DH" .......


1. I would prefer to receive answers directly from you, rather than taking [Name Edited] time to confirm the "DAMNABLE HERESY" that one of his student's has uncovered in a Christian Ministry, by application of the 'scholarly research' and 'Christian grace' that he evidently advocates in his department. [Name Edited]


2. I didn't know you when you 'came to my door' (by way of email) and began to ask me questions that challenged my faith and ridiculed my bible.  Nevertheless, I took considerable time to answer your questions in detail.  If you truly have Christian grace, and if you truly have an answer for the hope that is within you, then please demonstrate common courtesy – at the least – and now answer a very few questions of mine - they are short and simple.  Or, do you "refuse to hear what [I have] to say on a matter"? 


3. I have decided not to go into new subject areas, at this time, because the ones on the table seem already to be more than 'we' can handle. For that reason, in fact, I am only going to select SOME of the ones that we have been discussing to date and that I have already asked you; but ones that ……… for some reason …………. you have ignored.


4. For your convenience, I have written these questions in such a way that you only need to answer YES or NO to them.  In fact, I have provided YES or NO options for each one so that all you have to do is print this page and CIRCLE the correct answer.


5. Just like your Jehovah's Witness visitor, you are still standing on my doorstep, "DH".  So, do you still agree with yourself that "the ability to have a temporary suspension of judgment is a good thing.[?] It helps to prevent a person from becoming like the J.W. that came to my door a while back.  We were having a nice conversation at first but when we began talking about Jesus and I showed her in her own Watchtower version (in fact declared to be "the God" and where He was worshipped as "the God", she immediately put up a wall and arrogantly proclaimed "I already have truth".  Her mind had already been made up by her religious organization.  Essentially religion was her god."


6. Have YOU "put up a wall" now, "DH"?  Is YOUR mind already made up by the men who taught you that the King James Bible is wrong in Acts 22:9?


7. Are you ever going to consider the POSSIBILITY that it is those men who are wrong instead?


8. Or ………. like your Watchtower friend, do you, too, already have truth?


9. The door is still open, you are still standing in the doorway, and I continue to await your answers.




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