Rightly Dividing

the Word of Truth

God's Word



the King James Bible

Bible Studies for the Church and for Christian Ministries - BIBLE STUDY ON TOUGH ISSUES 






There is no book in the world that can compete with God's word in English, the King James Bible.  (Please see our "Bible Versions" section to read some of the evidence that justifies that conclusion.)


But, for some reason, men are still inclined to compete with it, to judge it, to disparage it, and even to condemn it outright.


Jesus made it clear that men can honour him with their lips while having a heart that is far from him. (Mark 7:6) So, in this section, we analyze a number of books that attack the word of God in various ways, and we compare their teachings with the truth of God's word itself.


List of Articles:


May the best book win.


Pentecostal Experience Books:


"Smith Wigglesworth - A Life Ablaze With The Power Of God",

by William Hacking, published by Harrison House, Inc, P.O. Box 35035 Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74153, copyright 1972 (by W. Hacking), 1981, and 1995 by Harrison House.

(a book review by Mike Wright)



The_Pentecostal_Statement_of_Faith,_"What_We_Believe", the doctrines of the faith "held by the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, and shared by the majority of Pentecostal groups throughout the world." have been summarized in this booklet compiled by Dr. J.E. Purdie.

(a book review by Mike Wright)




The Bible Through the Eyes of a Geologist,
by Robert Howie

Copyright 2010, Robert Howie, Guardian Books, Belleville, Ontario, Canada.

ISBN 978-1-55452-521-8

(a book review by Mike Wright)


Church - General Topics:


The Local Church?
by B. Kirkland D.D.

Local Church Ministries

and outreach ministry of FairHavens Baptist Church

P.O. Box 501 Sarnia, Ontario, N7T 7J4

Printed by Bethel Baptist Print Ministry, London, Ontario.

king), 1981, and 1995 by Harrison House.

(a book review by Mike Wright)



Be Careful of Protestant Teachings

A Catholic Booklet (32 pages)

by Colin D. Standish

Hope International Tracts

(a review by Mike Wright)



Is Eugene Peterson's book "The Message" a true copy of God's Word, the Bible?

THE MESSAGE. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group

permission notice is a courtesy only

(a review by Mike Wright)





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The "Berean Research Institute" is a scripture-based, family-oriented area of cyber-space wherein men, women and children can research beliefs and doctrines that impact their assembly, ministry and/or personal lives.

We encourage all to fear God and to keep his commandments by searching the scriptures daily and by being doers of the word.

Many people today claim to be Christians, disciples of Jesus, but fail to continue in his word as commanded in John 8:31, and therefore are deceiving even themselves.  (James1:22)  The result of such deception will be exclusion from the Kingdom of God (Matt 7:21-23 and Matt 25:8-12).

Not everyone ... shall enter the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. (Matt 7:21)

If you consider yourself to be a Pentecostal, Baptist, Catholic, JW, Adventist - even a life-long one - and are convinced that you are on your way to heaven, we encourage you to consider some of the biblical doctrines that we examine in these articles and videos - and be SURE that you are on your way to heaven.

That is our ultimate goal for you - that every one of you obtains eternal life!!