Rightly Dividing

the Word of Truth

God's Word



the King James Bible

Bible Research for the Church and for Christian Ministries - DIGGING INTO THE TOUGH ISSUES









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Whether you are a bible-believing scholar, an older Christian, a new Christian, a seeker, or an atheist, we would like to challenge you to "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." (I Thess 5:21)

The men of Berea were more noble than those in Thessalonica because "they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." (Acts 17:11)

Jesus warned that deception would be the trademark of the endtime (Matt 24), and he didn’t exclude anyone from his warning: including Baptists, Pentecostals, Catholics, JWs and Adventists.


So, please select a topic from the Articles menu, or Select a Topic Tab above, and join with us in studying to shew ourselves approved unto God, workmen that "needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (II Tim 2:15)



STUDY TOOLS FOR YOU!! - Click on the BRI Logo (top-left) to study any chapter of the Bible and to read along with us; and Click on the lighted Bible (top-right) to search for key words in the Bible.


Also, be sure to check our new VIDEO section and our many new articles!










Jesus bridge



There is NOTHING in this life that is more important for you to do than to decide where you will spend eternity.


If you have everything that this world can offer you - an easy life, family, friends, money, and pleasures - but you decide by default to spend eternity in Hell, then your life will have been a complete failure.


On the other hand, if you have practically nothing in this life of esteemed value, but you choose to seek God and to spend eternity with him in Heaven, then your life will have been an enormous success.


The difference isn't so much in what you have or don't have; it's in what you choose and don't choose. Jesus said, "except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."


List of Articles:


What does it mean to be "Born Again"?


Is Baptism part of Salvation?


Who is God? - Make it Simple (links to our Doctrine Article by this title)


A Personal Message from Our Family to You






King James?          Which bible         New Bible Versions??

In this series, we intend to determine which, if any, of the books claiming to be God’s Word are actually God’s Word.


We are commanded to study, to search, and to continue in his word: (II Tim 2:15; Acts 17:11; John 8:31).


Therefore, as we examine various modern versions, we do so not to be confrontational or disagreeable with others, but to be obedient to these commandments of God, specifically, and to be faithful to his scriptures, in general.

List of Articles:




The Nature of War


What About the Septuagint?


Antioch and Alexandria


NIV Says to Reject Jesus


AN Excellent Reference for King James Bible Believers - By James L. Melton


NIV Quiz - by Rex L. Cobb


Bible Memorization Test - by Pastor James Knox


Personal Pronouns - Thee, Thou, Ye, Thy, Thine, etc


Believing God’s Word


Errors in the King James Bible


An Open Letter to Cheryl




How We Know the King James Bible is God's ONLY Word in English


LOST In the Confused Mind of A Pentecostal Bible College Student (A Series)

00 - LOST - Intro

01 - LOST - First Email Exchange

02 - LOST

03 - LOST

04 - LOST


06 - LOST

Is The King James Bible Wrong About Easter at Acts 12:4?


Is Eugene Peterson's book "The Message" a true copy of God's Word, the Bible?




01 - I Sam 17:50; II Sam 21:19: WHO KILLED GOLIATH?


02 - Gen 1:27; Gen 2:7, 20-30: The Timing of Adam and Eve's Creation


03 - Judges 4:21; Judges 5:25-27: How Did Sisera Die?


04 - I Sam 31:4; II Sam 1:10; II Sam 21:12: WHO KILLED KING SAUL?


05 - Joshua 15:21-32: HOW MANY CITIES - 29 or 36 or 38?


06 - II Sam 24:9; I Chron 21:5-6: David Numbers How Many Men of War in Israel?


07 - Acts 20:35: Did Jesus Really Say This?


08 - Matt 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; John 2:1-11: Was Jesus in the Wilderness or at the Wedding?



run from modern versions to KJB






In this series we intend to examine doctrines with the intent of establishing which are sound and which are false.


Sound doctrine unites believers in Christ, false doctrine divides people from Christ, and conflicting doctrine disrupts unity and fellowship in Christ.


Therefore, each of us ought to purge ourselves of false doctrine and earnestly seek sound doctrine.

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
(I Thess 5:21)

This is not a matter of personal opinion - nor one of one-upmanship; it is a matter of personal righteousness and of right-standing before God.  Ultimately, we must be willing to let God’s Word speak to us, and we must be willing to conform ourselves to that Word.


Question: How much false doctrine can one believe and still be saved? 


At the Berean Research Institute, we are not willing to be comfortable with any false doctrines - no matter how few they are, nor how little they may be, nor what cost we may face to rid ourselves of them.


For good reason, Jesus warns us to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees:

Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.  (Matt 16:6)

Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. (Matt 16:12)

A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. (Gal 5:9)

Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. (I Cor 5:7)

Therefore, as we examine various doctrines, we do so not to be confrontational or disagreeable with others, but to be obedient to these specific commandments of God and to be faithful to his scriptures, overall.


Let's Be Scriptural, In Determining Sound Doctrine.



List of Articles:


OK…. So, you’re a "CHRISTIAN"...

What’s Wrong With Being a “Christian”??


Who is God? - Make it Simple

OK…. So, you’re a "PENTECOSTAL" - Let’s Be Scriptural About:

Pentecost and the Modern Pentecostal Movement

Examining the Pentecostal Statement of Faith, “What We Believe”


Pentecostal Feminism


Why I left the Tongues Movement - Alfred H. Pohl (Opens in New Window)


“Slain in the Spirit”


“Speaking in Tongues”


My Pastor, the "Spiritual Hippie"

Fake Healers, Apostles & Prophets

Smith Wigglesworth - A Book Review - by Mike Wright


Benny Hinn - "Man of God"?? - Videos


Benny Hinn - Outrageous Claims


Benny Hinn - Politics with China

United Pentecostal Church International

Is Water Baptism Necessary for Salvation?


Is the UPCI Gospel True?

OK…. So, you’re a "BAPTIST" - Let’s Be Scriptural About:

The Eternal Security of the Believer

The Eternal Security of the Believer


Eternal Security


The “Carnal” Christian

The Local Church

The “Local” Church - A Review of Dr. Kirkland's Book


Bible Verses Refuting the "Local Church" doctrine (Opens in New Window)

Calvinism and Arminianism

Calvinism and Arminianism


The god of the Calvinist


Calvinism and Modern Bible Versions


OK…. So, you’re a "CATHOLIC" - Let’s Be Scriptural About:

Salvation for Catholics

Can a “Catholic” be a “Christian”?


A Warning to Catholic Christians !!


Catholic Booklet - “Be Careful of Protestant Teachings”:  a Review

Catholic Doctrines

The Virgin Mary


The Mass - Transubstantiation


Roman Catholic Responses - Refuted

The Judgment of Rome

The Judgment of Rome - The Mother of Harlots


OK…. So, you’re a "JEHOVAH'S WITNESS" - Let’s Be Scriptural About:

Questions For Jehovah's Witnesses

Questions For Jehovah's Witnesses - Intro


Question For Jehovah's Witnesses







In this series we intend to examine  eschatological (study of endtime) teachings with the intent of determining which are true and which are not.


Perhaps as much as one third of the bible is prophetic, and God said (in reference to those living in the last days), that the wise shall understand (Dan 12:10).

If we knock, the door shall be opened unto us. (Matt 7:7)

It is true that Endtime prophecy has been interpreted in many different ways and by many people, but this is not a matter of personal opinion - the scriptures are not of any private interpretation.


We must earnestly seek to understand God’s interpretation of prophetic scripture. Despite what others say, for some, this may become a matter of salvation - a misunderstanding of this subject may result in the loss of their soul.


At the Berean Research Institute, we believe that God does not waste his words and that he wrote in his Word precisely what he wanted to say to us, even in this matter of prophecy.

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. (Rev 19:10)

It is equally important then, in this area of eschatology, that we study to shew ourselves approved unto God, workmen that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (II Tim 2:15)


Therefore, as we examine various eschatological views, we do so not to be confrontational or disagreeable with others, but to be obedient and faithful to his Word.



List of Articles:

Bible Prophecy - Relevant Today:

Understanding the Book of Revelation


Where Are We Today in Bible Prophecy?


What Should We Expect Next?


Our Letter to an Historicist


Refuting Preterism/Historicism - Conclusively - Page 1


Refuting Preterism/Historicism - Conclusively - Page 2


Refuting Amillennialism


Although we do not agree on some issues (in particular with his soteriology), we appreciate the work and research of Irvin Baxter of Endtime, Inc for assembling many of the pieces of our understanding of the Book of Revelation for us.







In this series we intend to address several controversial subjects. As the men of Berea did, we want to receive the word with all readiness of mind and to search the scriptures daily, whether these things are so. (Acts 17:11)


For us, this is not a matter of personal opinion nor one of one-upmanship; it is a matter of personal righteousness and of right-standing before God.


Ultimately, we must be willing to let God’s Word speak to us, and we must be willing to conform ourselves to that Word.

We know that we have liberty in Christ Jesus.

Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Cor 3:17)

But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak. (1 Cor 8:9)

So, (at the least) we must be careful in exercising our liberty.

Further, the bible teaches us that liberty in Christ Jesus makes us free FROM sin. It does not make us free TO sin.

What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? (Rom 6:1,2)

Moreover, we are commanded to:

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (John 2:15)

So, our hearts shouldn’t even desire those things in the world from which we have been saved.


Jesus came to seek and to save that which is lost. We who were dead in trespasses and sins he hath quickened.

Why then would we willingly go back into trespasses and sins?


Why would we wander away and become lost again?

(For those who believe in eternal security - please read the articles on OSAS, but in the meantime - why would we even ’behave’ as if we were lost again?)

The question then would be…...are the things we will discuss matters of sin, or are they legitimately matters of personal conscience?


Let’s find out.

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (I Thess 5:21)

List of Articles


Issues Common to Most Fellowships:

“Church” Membership


"Brother" Bill and "Pastor"


Lisa's Thoughts on the Depravation of Literature


Social Drinking/Use of Alcohol




Questions About Christmas


Is Christmas Scriptural?


Every Green Trees to Worship False gods?


Explaining to Friends - What is ‘wrong’ with Christmas


Comparison Between the Lord Jesus Christ and Santa Claus



Television and Movies:

Watching Television


Mel Gibson - Our “Christian” Hero?


Mel Gibson - Our "Christian" Hero - The Passion of the Christ - Summary

Creation vs Evolution:

Creation, Evolution and the Gap Theory


Evolution - Fact or Fiction by James L. Melton - (Excellent !)


Robert Howie - Geologist - A Book Review by Mike Wright







Bible Versions Article - BV.0200_04

I Sam 31:4; II Sam 1:10; II Sam 21:12: WHO KILLED KING SAUL?


In I Sam 31:4, King Saul commits suicide, but

In II Sam 1:10, he is killed by an Amalekite, and

In II Sam 21:12, he is killed by a Philistine.

Which is it?



1. This is another of many bible stories where more details are provided in each of the separate accounts.


2. Read carefully and think. There are several explanations that would fit all of the evidence, and perhaps more.


3. I Sam 31:4 does not say that Saul succeeded in committing suicide. He took “a” sword and fell on it, yes, and he was dead by the time his armour bearer saw him in the next verse, yes, but he may have failed in his suicide attempt.


4. Remember that Saul was somewhat of a coward and didn't do things well. In fact, it doesn't even say that he had his own sword in his hand. He had to ask his armour bearer to fall on him and eventually took "a" sword; not "his" sword, to fall upon.


5. It could have been quite a while between the time he asked his armour bearer to kill him and the time he took a sword and fell on it. Also, when people actually die directly from such action, the bible often describes it with words like, “he fell on his sword that he died”. In this case, it merely says that Saul fell upon “a” sword, and we may have to look elsewhere to know what it was and who it was that really finished him off.


6. So, he may have wounded himself, but been finished off by the Amalekite, or he may have been slain by a Philistine before the armour bearer saw that he was dead. Remember, too that they were in the midst of a fierce and losing battle, and that the armour bearer could have been pre-occupied for quite some time in hand-to-hand combat. I Sam 31:2 says that the Philistines followed hard upon Saul. It was mayhem.


7. If he did die as a result of falling on the sword, then it may still be acceptable to conclude that the Philistines slew him. He died in battle with the Philistines - and therefore, loosely, the Philistines had slain him in the sense of having pursued him to his defeat and death in battle.


8. It is more likely though that a Philistine actually saw the wounded Saul and slew him as II Sam 21:12 would seem to say, and that he was dead from that definitive action, by the time his armour bearer was able to notice him in I Sam 31:5.


9. It is possible that the Amalekite was a member of the Philistine army and slew him, as reported in II Sam 1:10 before he died from his own wound. This would satisfy II Sam 21:12 that the Philistines killed him (it was their soldier), and II Sam 1:10 that the Amalekite killed him, and I Sam 31:4 that he fell on “a” sword, and I Sam 31:5 that his armour bearer saw that he was dead.


10. It is interesting to note that, if Saul had been obedient years earlier, in killing ALL of the Amalekites as God had commanded, then this Amalekite would never have been around to stand over the scene of his death.


11. But there is probably even a better explanation. The bible reports many things that people say, but that are not true. It truthfully reports the lies that people tell. If not, then the bible would be lying about what was actually said.


12. The Amalekite obviously wanted a reward from King David (II Sam 1:10). The Amalekite could have watched Saul fall on the sword. We know that he removed Saul's crown and bracelet to take to David for a reward, and it is very plausible that he left before the armour bearer or others noticed. Without the crown and bracelet on Saul, a Philistine soldier may not have recognized him as the King and simply finished him off - satisfying all three passages completely. (This is the scenario I think is most likely, and it is certainly one of several that fits all of the evidence.)


13. It is reasonable that the Amalekite lied about killing Saul and took credit for it thinking that he would be rewarded by King David for having slain his enemy, Saul. (As an aside, it appears he falsely reported that Saul fell on his spear; not on a sword; unless he fell on both - which is unlikely - II Sam 1:6 - and may not have simply "happened by chance" to have been there in the first place).

14. There are other incidental factors here, but this addresses the issue and all of its major points.

15. You can TRUST every word in God's Word, the King James Bible!


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The "Berean Research Institute" is a scripture-based, family-oriented area of cyber-space wherein men, women and children can research beliefs and doctrines that impact their assembly, ministry and/or personal lives.

We encourage all to fear God and to keep his commandments by searching the scriptures daily and by being doers of the word.

Many people today claim to be Christians, disciples of Jesus, but fail to continue in his word as commanded in John 8:31, and therefore are deceiving even themselves.  (James1:22)  The result of such deception will be exclusion from the Kingdom of God (Matt 7:21-23 and Matt 25:8-12).

Not everyone ... shall enter the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. (Matt 7:21)

If you consider yourself to be a Pentecostal, Baptist, Catholic, JW, Adventist - even a life-long one - and are convinced that you are on your way to heaven, we encourage you to consider some of the biblical doctrines that we examine in these articles and videos - and be SURE that you are on your way to heaven.

That is our ultimate goal for you - that every one of you obtains eternal life!!