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Bible Studies for the Church and for Christian Ministries - BIBLE STUDY ON TOUGH ISSUES 



Why I Left The Tongues Movement - By Alfred H. Pohl

Doctrine Article - D.0030_16

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Strictly speaking, this was not a reason why I left the Tongues Movement, but it is a reason why I am not, and would not, be in the Movement today. I see signs of great danger ahead. Some other Christians share the same concern with me. I wish that I were wrong, but all signs at the present indicate that the Charismatic Movement could be the common denominator for a worldwide ecumenical organization or church. In the past, all attempts to bring about ecumenicity on the basis of faith, belief, or doctrine, have failed. But in the Charismatic Movement, unity is attained, not by unanimity of doctrine but on the basis of a common religious experience. To them largely, doctrine is not the important thing. But the experience is.

So it is not surprising that in Charismatic circles people of many denominational backgrounds and doctrines can all worship and fellowship together, not because they agree on doctrine but because they agree on a common religious experience.

This is a very dangerous trend! Why? Because setting truth aside in order to have unity will ultimately put the One Who is "the Truth," the Lord Jesus, outside the Movement. That's just what we see predicted in Rev. 3:20. "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me." Here is a picture of the condition of the Church in the last days. We see the Lord Jesus standing "outside" the Church, knocking, trying to get in. But there is no room for Him. Doctrine and truth have been neglected. Experience has become the important thing, and the criteria for church membership or fellowship. No longer is it faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ that makes one an accepted Christian. He who is "the truth" is no longer wanted or welcome in church but is left standing outside ... what a sad, tragic picture!

Can it be, then, that the Charismatic Movement will be the instrument that will help to bring about the great world church of Revelation, chapter 17?

It is possible if they continue, in the interests of unity, to put experience ahead of doctrine. Anything can happen to the church that moves away from the solid foundations of the truths of God's Word.

Dr. Vernon McGee, in a radio broadcast not long ago, referred to a statement by a Charismatic who said that in these last days God was laying His Word aside in order to bring the churches together! It is a sad, sad day, when Truth must be sacrificed to obtain unity! But that is what we see developing today.

Perhaps the warning voiced by a dear uncle of mine shortly before he went to be with the Lord, is right. He was an ardent Pentecostal Christian, and in my last visit with him he greatly surprised me with this question.

Calling me by my first name, he said, "Do you know that the new Charismatic Movement is leading our Pentecostal people right into the church of the Antichrist?" Nothing that he could have said could have surprised me more.

But, from that point on we found ourselves in agreement as we had a lovely and profitable discussion together. It happened to be the last visit I had with him, for shortly after that he went to be with the Lord.

He was an old-time Pentecostal, or one of those who are sometimes referred to as "classical Pentecostals." I'm discovering that some of these classical Pentecostals are also becoming concerned or alarmed by what is happening in this "new" Charismatic Movement. This is evidenced by a statement made by a Pentecostal writer, Mr. Harry Lunn, in an article entitled, "Beware the Christless Pentecost." He said: "A Pentecost without repentance, a Pentecost without Christ, that is what some are experiencing today" (End Times Messenger, publication of the Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Canada, Saskatoon, Sask., March 1972). I was glad to see this thoughtful and challenging article. It tells me that some of the classical Pentecostals are also beginning to see the warning signals in the "new" Charismatic Movement.

Another classical Pentecostal, an elderly aunt of mine, also expressed her misgivings by asking me this question: "How is it that Charismatic Catholic people can speak in tongues, and then go back to the Catholic church and worship Mary, pray to the saints, go to Mass, etc? How can they do this?

There is something wrong, isn't there?" I had to agree with her. Something is wrong! It doesn't stand up in the light of the Scriptures. And to Auntie it was a special problem because she herself is a converted Catholic. Years ago when she was saved, she knew that she could not go back to the Catholic church to fellowship and worship there. It would be to compromise truth. So now she can't understand these "new" Charismatics.

These are days, then, that we need to live very close to the Scriptures.

There is a dearth of good, sound Bible study amongst God's people. Only with the Truth will we be able to combat the Lie.

Reason #17--Their distortion of the true Spirit-filled life Charismatics:






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